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One common pitfall when working with Docker is file permission management of mounted volumes.

Those permission issues are related to the way docker works and cannot really be fixed once for all.

To help developer fixing permission issues, fixuid is auto-configured by ddb when a fixuid.yml file is available in docker build context.

Feature configuration (prefixed with fixuid.)

Property Type Description
disabled boolean
Should this feature be disabled ?
Property Type Description
url string
URL to download the fixuid distribution binary.

Automatic configuration

In order to benefit from this feature, few steps are require.

First, you need to create the fixuid.yml configuration file next to Dockerfile.jinja. For this feature to work properly, you must use a template feature for your Dockerfile, like Jinja.

In this fixuid.yml configuration file, you have to define three settings:

  • user: the user inside the container which is allowed to run command and access files.
  • group: the group inside the container which is allowed to run command and access files.
  • paths: the list of paths inside the container where permissions will be fixed. Volumes mount point must also be listed.

For more details on this configuration, please refer to the fixuid documentation.

Example : A posgresql fixuid configuration

user: postgres
group: postgres
  - /
  - /var/lib/postgresql/data

Then, in your docker-compose.yml.jsonnet, you should use ddb.User() in order to map your local user to the container.

Finally, run the ddb configure command to generate Dockerfile. Instructions related to fixuid should have been generated. The entrypoint is changed to run fixuid before the default entrypoint.

Example with PostgreSQL

FROM postgres

# Mount this volume to help loading/exporting dumps
RUN mkdir /workdir
VOLUME /workdir

USER postgres

Generates the following when fixuid.yml file is available in the Dockerfile directory.

FROM postgres

# Mount this volume to help loading/exporting dumps
RUN mkdir /workdir
VOLUME /workdir

USER postgres

ADD fixuid.tar.gz /usr/local/bin
RUN chown root:root /usr/local/bin/fixuid && chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/fixuid && mkdir -p /etc/fixuid
COPY fixuid.yml /etc/fixuid/config.yml
USER postgres
ENTRYPOINT ["fixuid", "-q", ""]
CMD ["postgres"]

With this configuration, you should be able to generate a dump from the container as your own user instead of root.

Why should I use .jinja extension for my Dockerfile ?

You should always use .jinja when declaring a Dockerfile to benefits of fixuid feature.

Using fixuid feature updates Dockerfile to add the instructions needed for fixuid. That's why you should use a template source instead, for this to be generated again on each ddb configure command.

The Dockerfile will be automatically ignored by git thanks to gitignore feature.

If you are not using jsonnet for docker-compose.yml

In docker-compose.yml, you will need to add the configuration user to the service using this docker container.

You will need to set it manually with the uid and gid of the host user which will run the container and execute commands.

As many other ddb features are available through jsonnet feature, you should really consider using it. This will help you to build simpler, shorter and smarter docker-compose configuration.

Disable or customize fixuid automatic configuration

You may need to disable fixuid automatic configuration. Use the following comments in your Dockerfile.jinja.

  • # fixuid-disable: Disable both download of fixuid.tar.gz and whole auto-configuration. Use this to disable fixuid totally for this Dockerfile.
  • # fixuid-manual: Only keep download of fixuid.tar.gz. Use this to configure fixuid totally manually in the Dockerfile.
  • # fixuid-manual-install: Keep download of fixuid.tar.gz and auto-configuration of ENTRYPOINT. You still have to install fixuid manually in the Dockerfile.
  • # fixuid-manual-entrypoint: Keep download of fixuid.tar.gz and installation of required files. You still have to invoke fixuid manually in the Entrypoint.