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This feature is a way to automatically create symlinks in your project.

One of the common use we have is project with configurations for each environment (dev, stage, prod). With symlinks feature, depending on environment, the final file is link to the one from environment.

Feature configuration (prefixed with symlinks.)

Property Type Description
disabled boolean
Should this feature be disabled ?
suffixes string[]
A list of filename suffix to include.
excludes string[]
A list of glob of filepath to exclude.
Property Type Description
includes string[]
A list of glob of filepath to include. It is automatically generated from suffixes.

Bound to events file:found, file:deleted and file:generated, each file retrieved will be compared to lists of configurations includes and excludes to check it is handled or not.

If it is a match, symlink will be generated, or deleted if it is a events.file.deleted event.

Create .env symlink from

In many frameworks, we want to have different .env files depending on core.env.current value.

Let's say we have created a which contains production environment configuration. Instead of manually copying the file or creating a symlink, this will create .env symlink pointing to file if core.env.current is set to prod.


It can also be chained with any other ddb template generation, such as jinja and ytt